It is my mission to provide research-based therapy services that will support individual student needs. Therapy goals are individually designed to allow children to reach their maximum potential in all areas of communication.
I strongly believe in a holistic based approach, evaluating and
treating speech and language as a part of the whole student.
Parents and families are welcome and encouraged to be part of therapy as it is understood the importance of carryover of skills into all areas of life.

/r/ is one of the latest developing sounds in the. This sound is traditionally mastered by age 8. This sound is often produced as a /w/ when said by younger children. We work to decrease lip rounding and movement of the tongue to the back of the mouth during productions. If your student is working on this sound please use the cues:
*Is your jaw open? (You are looking to see there is a small opening in the front teeth.)
*Where is your tongue? (Your student should describe to you that their tongue is back and elevated touching their back molars.)
*You want to hear a true /r/ sound and not an /a, aw, ah/ sound.

Social Skill development affects a child ability to maintain and develop socially appropriate relationships with peers and adults. We are working with materials from SocialThinking.com along with supplemental training materials to target these goals.
Kara Nunn M.S. CCC-SLP
Speech Language Pathologist
I am a graduate of the University at Buffalo, Communication Disorders Sciences with a Masters Degree from Buffalo State University. I grew up here, in the Southern Tier, and have been working in the area for the past 13 years. I am an active member of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) and have presented on voice disorders at the national conference. I am passionate about devloping therapy plans and goals that meet each students individualized needs.
ASHAThis site provides most recent speech-language research information and provides general information for questions.
Geek SLPThis is an excellent resource to find supplemental apps to support therapy goals as well as read blogs and find support information.
Social ThinkingSocial Thinking is a program designed by Michelle Garcia Winner designed to teach perspective taking and Social Thinking skills to person with social cognitive learning challenges.