Questions that we often are asked are about is what colleges or employers are looking for, and how parents can start to prepare their children for the world of a higher education or work.

Grades are important, but the most valuable credentials one can have are those that prove that you are a well-rounded, community minded, person. Students who are exposed to activities in the world and who give of themselves, have much more to offer in the world of education and work.  A college application or interview where students have real world experience will be much stronger than ones who merely focus on getting a high-grade point average.

An important activity that can be done as a family or as an individual is volunteering. Volunteering offers students many benefits. The first being self-confidence and self-worth. When students have the chance to help others, they discover the value and importance of being part of a community. They learn about human interaction and many lessons about compassion.

You can find many places for your child and or family to volunteer. We will list some resources below that you can explore.

*On a side note, if your child is participating in many activities, it is never too early to start a portfolio to keep a record of their experiences.

Broome County Council of Churches (CHOW, hunger walk, fundraisers, working with seniors) – 607-724-9130

Habitat for Humanity- 607-772-0809

United Methodist Homes- (12 and up)(assisting elderly patients)-607-798-7818

Willow Point Nursing Home- (12 and up) 607-763-4248

Salvation Army-(13 and up) (toy shop, soup kitchen, bell ringers)- 607-722-2987

Discovery Center- 607-724-2428

Association for Vision Rehab- (14 and up)- 607-724-2428

Broome County Environmental Council (minors with parent)- 607-778-2116

American Heart Association- 607-723-0208  The American Red Cross

Binghamton humane society

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Speak Animal Hospital

Animal Care Council

United Health Services- (14 and up) 607-762-2318

Lourdes Hospital- (14 and up) – 607-798-5490

Ross Park Zoo- (14 and up)- 607-724-5461

 YMCA teen volunteer swim instructor SPEAK Animal Hospital