Do you need help for your family? Use the links below
Teen struggling with addiction? ACBC-Addiction Center of Broome County at 723-7308
Conifer Park in Glenville (800)989-6446, Four Winds (800) 888-5448, and Tully Hill (800) 456-6114
Camp Hope for Kids (grief support for children who have experienced loss)- 607-798-5692
Institute for Child Development
The guiding philosophy of the Institute for Child Development is expressed in the implementation of our service programs and conveys both the depth and richness of our philosophy, vision, and commitment. Children who manifest developmental, learning, or emotional disorders impact not only upon themselves, but also their families and their communities, and this challenge must be met by a reciprocal intensity, quality, and precision of services.
The Autism Society promotes the active and informed involvement of family members and the individual with autism in the planning of individualized, appropriate services and supports.
Family Enrichment Kinship Care
Are you raising someone else’s child? The Family Enrichment network offers assistance to anyone raising someone else’s child in their home. You may be eligible for monies to care for the child, and the FEN can assist with applications and resources as well as navigating the Family Court System. Services are free regardless of income. Here’s a link to the Kinship Care website. Or call Diane LaTorry, Kinship Advocate 607-352-1729.
The Family Resource Network, Inc. Mission Statement:
Individuals with special needs deserve every opportunity to achieve their unique potential. The Family Resource Network was founded by parents to enhance the lives of individuals with special needs and their families, empowering them to lead productive independent lives within the community.
As a leading community provider of human services, our goal is to help people improve the quality of their lives. The Family & Children’s Society is committed to renewing hope for those who face challenges due to troubling circumstances. This commitment translates into assistance, care and counseling that serves to strengthen and support individuals and healthy relationships
Ages 10-12 and 13-15 NYS Office of Family and Children Services Drug and Alcohol Prevention
Programs for Students Related to Academics:
Foreign Language summer ideas
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
Understand your child's academic abilities and make the most of his/her academic talents. Open doors to summer and online programs.
SUNY BINGHAMTON/Girls who code!
Expanding Your Horizons for Girls at Cornell University
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a one-day conference for 7th–9th grade girls. The 7th & 8th grade girls each participate in three workshops organized by Cornell students and faculty, while 9th grade girls participate in two extended workshops. The goals of the conference are to stimulate the participants’ interest in math and science through these hands-on activities, to provide them with female scientist role models, and to foster awareness of opportunities in math and science-related careers.
Although the focus of the EYH conference is to provide hands-on learning experiences for girls, we also organize a special session for accompanying adults to give them information on educational and career opportunities involving science, math, and engineering.
Other highlights of EYH include a keynote speech by a prominent woman scientist and a display of science books, resources, and games that participants and their parents can access throughout the day.
Enrichment Activities, Clubs and Community Sports:
Summer Camp/Activities Guide Contact for information on new summer guide yearly
Local contact: Jan Fiore,, 607-797-9357
Individual and group classes available
4-H helps kids to do better in school, learn to help others, and feel more capable and responsible
4-H Clubs, camps, after-school programs, and trips help youth reach their fullest potential. Members have opportunities to connect to Cornell University, learn through hands-on activities, lead, be
inspired, inspire others, much more.
Want to get involved? Join 4-H with thousands of other New York State members, volunteers, staff, and funders. Find your potential, meet awesome kids, and accomplish things you never thought possible.
4-H is the largest out of school youth organization in the United
with over 6 million youth members. Our history is rich - we have been around since the beginning of the 20th century - enriching the lives of youth and their families. There are Cornell Cooperative Extension staff leading 4-H programs in nearly every county and city - so find a 4-H program near you!
Welcome to the Union Aquatic Club, a non-profit, parent-run swim club. Since 1972, UNAC has provided a year-round competitive swimming program in the Town of Union and Greater Binghamton area for swimmers between the ages of 6 and 18.
With a professional and certified coaching staff, UNAC offers its swimmers a multi-level program whereby each individual swimmer can reach his or her full potential. Through their dedication to swimming, many UNAC swimmers are top swimmers on their Middle School and High School teams, and some have earned college scholarships as a result.
Sports for Students with Special Needs
Greater Binghamton Sports Complex
CYOCatholic Youth Organization/sports
Kids workshops in performing arts.
Links to Family Fun:
Family fun attractions around NYS ( Near Binghamton)
Home Fire Preparedness Campaign
Free smoke alarm installation and home fire safety education.
Contact Jill Deskins 607-785-7207 or email her at