Principal's Message

Hello Maine-Memorial families,

I hope this message finds all Maine Memorial families doing well. We have enjoyed a positive 2024-2025 school year so far. Our Capital Project work is progressing at MM and the building is functioning efficiently. Contractors will continue to work throughout the year but none of this work will affect the school day as most work is completed 2nd shift. This project will bring great benefits to our students, staff, and families at MM when finished. You can call me with any questions you may have regarding the work being done. At the conclusion of this project the building will enjoy AC as well as four new classroom spaces. I would like to thank everyone for your continued support of our building and your children's education.

Contacting a staff teacher/staff member: If you need to contact any teacher their email addresses are First initial – last name – and then      Example –


Please check our Maine-Endwell District website periodically for school updates ( Many times this is where the district will post important school related information. I will send most building updates out to MM Families via TEXT and/or email. It is important that you make sure all current cell phone numbers and proper working emails are up to date with our building database so you will receive these messages from the school. If we don't have your correct and up to date cell number you will not receive these messages.


We consistently have a large number of clothing items in our lost and found area. Please encourage your children to take a look at these items soon as we will be donating them to a good cause soon. I suggest putting your child's initials on tags of coats and gloves whenever possible as it makes it easier to locate the owner when lost.


When a student is absent for any reason it must be followed up by a blue note that has the specific reason for the absence listed as well as a parent's signature. Just a phone call does not satisfy our district's attendance requirements. Non-approved reasons are typically coded as an "unexcused absence". Consistent attendance at school is vital to student learning.



*The free breakfast and lunch program will available again for the 2024-25 school year. Breakfast is served daily for all students in grades EK-5.


* It will still be colder outside most days. Please make sure kids are coming to school with appropriate clothing in case we go outside for recess.  Our general rule is that we will go outside if the "feels like" temperature is 20 degrees or higher and other weather conditions allow.


Please make sure students are keeping up on their assigned work.  It is important that students stay engaged and do work at home when needed.    

Academic resources can be accessed by visiting our website at

Simply follow the tabs and find the academic resources hyperlinks.  These should be live and usable throughout the school year.


We have an online format to use if needing to register children for school. Go to and follow the directions to complete the registration process. If you are having any trouble you can call (607) 201-5043 or our main office at 862-3263.

Upcoming events:

2/6 BOE Meeting @ 6:00 pm (District Offices)

2/13 Early Dismissal @ 12:30 pm

2/14 and 2/17 NO SCHOOL - President's Day Weekend

2/20 MM PTA Meeting @ 6:30 pm

3/14 NO SCHOOL for Superintendent's Conference Day

3/28 Early Release Day - Dismissal at 12:30 pm

Stay safe and be well,
Bill Dundon

(607) 862-3263
Principal, Maine Memorial Elementary School 


Bill Dundon, Building Principal