Recorder STUDENT Links
Recorder Karate Website- Choose streaming audio
"Gently Sleep"- Start at 1:01
"Merrily We Roll Along" - Start at :07
"Old MacDonald"- Start at 1:00
"It's Raining"- Start at :14
"When the Saints Go Marching In" - Start at 1:40
"Twinkle, Twinkle"- Start at :47

Mother's Day song...
coming soon!!!
Holiday Card Project 2023 Song link
In music class with Mrs. Decker our 3rd- 5th grade students wrote their own words to classic Holiday/Winter songs. Please click on the link that corresponds with the number on your card and enjoy! The students had a great time with this project. Happy Holidays!❄️

5th Grade Chorus- Siobhan Decker Mrs. Decker's email
4th grade chorus- Jessica Melly Mrs. Melly's email
Band & Orchestra- Erinn McMullen Mrs. McMullen's email