A big Spartan shout-out to January's Teacher of the Month, Erika Strano! She was recommended by Tara Friend, who wrote: 1. She is a helpful and understanding mentor who I really appreciate getting to know and work with. 2. She is always positive and has a smile on her face! 3. She is a team player and works very hard at what she does. That's the Spartan way!!
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Purchase your A2A t-shirt to wear to the K-8 vs High School Staff basketball game on Feb 16th. Proceeds go directly to ME’s A2A fundraiser….. A2A our mission is to give back to our Spartan Community by reducing the cost of youth sports and donate to Spartan family with medical costs. https://scholasticsportssales.chipply.com/meatoa-2023/?apid=3262806&acid=413173
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Mark your calendars! M-E's district-wide A2A game is on February 16th at 6:15pm in the HS gym. It's a staff basketball game, K-8 vs. High School. It's to raise money to reduce the cost of youth sports and also to donate to Spartans going through medical procedures. Pre-order T-shirt sale link coming soon!
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Check out the first video in a new series of videos that will be coming out titled "Did You Know? Maine-Endwell High School Video Series!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5znzV4G8L_4
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
HS front
It's almost here! M-E Dollars for Scholars Phone-a-Thon is Saturday, January 28th. Students will be calling community members between 9am and noon on Saturday. Funds raised will support scholarships for our graduating seniors. We greatly appreciate your support!
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
This morning, Homer Brink 4th graders visited Roberson Museum & Science Center to explore the Longhouse exhibit to see what life was like living in an Iroquois Longhouse. They made clay pinch pots like the women would and they learned the stories about the traditional culture of the Haudenosaunee. To view more photos, go to https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vkHcT7_1BQIj4r0SdoLxdRC9Aywli1qM?usp=share_link
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Attention educators near and far: A great half day of professional learning is just 10 days away! Join us for EdCamp STNY at Maine-Endwell HS on Saturday, Feb 4. In addition to learning from educators across the region, we will also have prizes including a 40" Smart TV! Reserve a spot here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/edcampstny-2023-tickets-462178968737
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
edcamp stny logo
Attention High School Students and Families: This is a follow-up message to what was communicated last night. Again, tomorrow will be a REGENTS DAY due to the snow day. Please click the following link to see whether or not you should be in attendance tomorrow: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HbVP2Fal6JiIxKCcorOjMA_IaI8YpCgJOEN8Y2g39HI/edit Thank You, HS Admin. Team
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
exclamation point
Dear High School students and families, due to a schedule conflict the Vice Versa Dance has been rescheduled to Saturday, February 11th, 8-11pm in the gymnasium. We apologize for the inconvenience.
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Last week, at a physical education conference at SUNY Cortland, the Homer Brink PE instructors had the opportunity to present to fellow teachers and current Cortland students. It was a great opportunity for them to share the activities they are doing at Homer Brink. The first session was called Monthly Fitness Challenges to Engage all Students. The focus was to provide teachers the resources to teach and incorporate both Health and Skill Related Fitness Components of Physical Fitness through monthly fitness challenges. The challenges are done at the beginning of each class and are used as an alternative to the traditional PE warm up. This is done by masking the common routine by incorporating those movements and exercises with popular songs and dances. Coach Krise led a second session in the pool called Use Your Noodle A Guide for Elementary Aquatics. The session covered step by step progressions aimed at safe entry and movement in the water. The session took you through step by step progressions of the elementary backstroke and freestyle using pool noodles. High school student athlete Carter Czebiniak helped assist Coach Krise in the pool during the session.
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
pe cortland conference
pe cortland conference
pe cortland conference
pe cortland conference
Welcome to Spartan Country! Learn more about Ben Taylor, Director of Technology at Maine-Endwell at https://5il.co/1nkjv
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Ben Taylor
Welcome to Spartan Country! Get to know new HS Assistant Principal Erica Staiger at https://5il.co/1nidn
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Erica Staiger
Maine Memorial had our first in a series of career speakers this morning at 4th and 5th grade morning program. We had two former Maine Memorial students speak about their careers: Ben Taylor, Director of Technology at ME and former Spanish teacher and Jen Kollar, Cosmetologist and salon owner. The kids were enthusiastic and asked lots of questions! We’re looking forward to our future speakers. Any former Maine Memorial students who would be interested in presenting should contact Jim Tokos at jtokos@me.stier.org
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
career speakers
career speakers
career speakers
Congratulations to the wrestling team for making it to sectionals! They will be going to the Division II Dual Meet on 1/18/23 at Tioga Central School. The meet begins at 4:30 pm. Tickets are $6.25, kids 10 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased through GoFan at the following link https://gofan.co/app/events/854225?schoolId=NYSPHSAAIV or by using the QR code. Section IV Athletic Passes, Section IV Lifetime Passes and ALL NYSPHSAA passes are accepted. GoFan The Ticket to High School. gofan.co
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Make sure your contact information and your child's emergency contacts are accurate and up to date. To make changes, call the school office.
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Clothing Donations needed for Maine Memorial Elementary. See graphic for details.
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
clothing donation
Get your Championship Apparel in support of another great football season!! https://zapathletics.chipply.com/M-E-Football-Champs/store.aspx
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
On Thursday Kaety L'Amoreaux broke the school scoring record for career points, previously held by Andrea Bogart with 1,617 in 1995-1999. It was also staff appreciation night, girls' games. Congrats Kaety!!
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
At last evening's BOE meeting, Involve M-E volunteers were recognized for volunteering in our schools. Beth Norton Karen Thompson Doreen Howard Melody Spring Jennifer Sheahan Kyle Doyle Donna DePersis Marjorie Weiland The Broome-Tioga BOCES Engineering Day Team was also recognized at the meeting. Advisor: Ethan Lucas Students: Tessa L’Amoreaux Sofia Mann Krista Sanyshyn Madalyn Ocker
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Today the high school is hosting Vision Federal Credit Union's "Life is a Reality" expo. It's an interactive program that educates HS students on career choices and budgeting money.
about 2 years ago, Maine-Endwell CSD