WHY WEDNESDAY: Mr. Norton, a 5th grade teacher at Homer Brink Elementary shares his 'why' for working with the Maine-Endwell School District. #WhyWednesdayME
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Taylor Norton
WHY WEDNESDAY: Mr. Ballard, our High School Associate Principal shares his 'why' for working with the Maine-Endwell School District. #WhyWednesday
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Why Wednesday
ATHLETICS: See below for what you need to know about our Winter Sports Season! Any questions, please contact the Athletic office!
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
BOARD RECOGNITION: October 16-20 marks NYSSBA's Board Recognition Week! We would like to thank the members of our ME Board of Education for their commitment and hard work for our schools!
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
The Maine-Endwell CSD is seeking input from students, staff, parents and community members on areas of interest the district can possibly look into to enhance the student experience for all students at Maine-Endwell. Please click on the following link to take the survey. Thank you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSwnIVZRq4x0wSpdYd7kOOi-1iBts05f_X7h0a_xM9LtlSWA/viewform
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
IMPORTANT UPDATE ON THE HOMECOMING PARADE ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th: Due to impending rain in the forecast tomorrow, October 14th, the start time and location of the parade has been changed. Parade start time: 9:00AM (Floats will assemble between 8am - 8:45am) Parade starting location: Visions FCU Headquarters (3301 Country Club Road) Parade route: 3301 Country Club to Hooper Road to 750 Farm to Market Road (High School) Come out and show your Spartan Pride!!
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
homecoming parade update
HOMECOMING COURT: Maine-Endwell High School is proud to introduce our 2023 Homecoming Court! Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Please be advised that the District Office parking lot is closed until October 10th for repaving/stripping. The pool parking lot and Northminster Church lots are open.
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
On behalf of the Eastern Southern Tier STEM Hub and SUNY Broome, we'd like to invite you to participate in Fall into Healthcare a STEM Pathways Event scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, 2023, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm at the Decker Health Science Center building at SUNY Broome. This event will be geared toward students (grades 6-9, but all are welcome to attend), their parents, and educators to: • Meet local healthcare employers and faculty/staff form SUNY Broome, Binghamton University, and Broome-Tioga BOCES to learn more about career opportunities in healthcare and the educational pathways to get there • Inspire students to learn higher-level thinking skills • Help students be successful in the workforce of the future
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
fall into healthcare
FEMA has scheduled a nationwide test of emergency alert systems for ~2:20 pm on Wednesday, Oct 4th. Nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) test scheduled for October, 4, 2023 1. On October 4, 2023, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) test. 2. The test includes sending a "test message" to all televisions, radios and cell phones. 3. At approximately 2:20 pm Eastern Standard Time, all powered on cellphones within range of a cell tower will receive a test alert message as part of FEMA’s nationwide test of its Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). 4. The test will occur during school hours, and in some cases coincide with school dismissal time.
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
TRANSPORTATION APP: M.E. Families can use #StopFinder, an app to assist in bus schedules, stop information, transportation announcements and messages as well as much more! Follow the instructions to get started today!
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
WHY WEDNESDAY: We're thrilled to unveil our latest social media series, 'Why Wednesday.' Every week, we'll feature a member of the Maine-Endwell School District who will share their personal 'why' or purpose within our Spartan Family. Today, we have the honor of hearing from Mr. VanFossen, our District Superintendent, as he shares his 'why.'
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Hey Spartans! The Spartan Pass program at the Southern Tier Community Center is back and better than ever! It's every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Come on over to swim, exercise, play games in the teen center, have a snack and more! The program is NOW OPEN TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! Students 16-18 yrs. of age can come to the program unaccompanied. So, stop in before sports practices or in between games. Register today by scanning the QR code or texting Kevin, the STCC Program Director, at 607-427-3465.
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Spartan Pass
Spartan Pass page two
Get ready to strike a pose because School Photo Day at Homer Brink is this week! Don't forget to wear your favorite outfit and bring your brightest smiles.
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
photo day reminder
Let's get ready to ignite creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork in young Spartan minds! There will be an informational meeting for Homer Brink Odyssey of the Mind (open to all students K-5) on 9/27 from 5:30-6:30pm in the Homer Brink Cafetorium. See flyer for details.
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Odyssey of the Mind
CHALK THE WALK: Let's come together to spread hope, support, and awareness for those battling with their mental health. HS Students: Please remember to take some time to Chalk the Walk on Thursday and/or Friday. The weather is going to be beautiful and there will be chalk available to borrow on the table in the Counseling Office. Take pictures and scan the QR code on the flyer to enter the contest.
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
chalk the walk
Get to know one of M-E's new teachers, Kerri Lavender. To learn more about an exciting goal that she is about to accomplish, click on https://5il.co/24r8b
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
Kerri Lavender
ME REMEMBERS: Maine-Endwell CSD would like to remember the lives lost 22 years ago today on 9/11.
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
SUPERINTENDENT'S CONFERENCE DAY: Superintendent's Conference Day at Maine-Endwell Central School District - a day of inspiration and collaboration as we gear up for an amazing year ahead! #Education #MaineEndwellCSD #MESpartans #SuperConferenceDay
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD
THIS WEEK: We are so excited to welcome our #Spartans back to school this week. Please note that there is no school Tuesday or Wednesday. We will see everyone Thursday, September 7th!
over 1 year ago, Maine-Endwell CSD