Last month, on a beautiful, mild temperature day, Maine Memorial student council members worked on the Trees for Tributaries project. For this project they planted approximately twenty-five trees along the creek at the Town of Maine park. The tree types consisted of Pin Oak, Persimmon and Red Maple.
By planting these trees along small streams that feed larger rivers and lakes, the program helps create healthier, more climate-resilient communities.
Why Plant Trees and Shrubs Next to Streams?
• Water quality – Planting along streams slows runoff, improving the health of the stream.
• Flood protection – Trees along streams can slow floodwaters, reducing the threats to property and public safety.
• Erosion control – Deep root systems hold soil in place, preventing streambanks from wearing away and soil from entering the water, where it can smother and kill fish eggs.
• Wildlife habitat – Trees and shrubs provide homes and food for a variety of animals. Shaded streams keep water cool for fish such as trout, and fallen leaves provide food for aquatic insects that are, in turn, eaten by fish.