
On Wednesday, September 4th your Spartan Lifeguards were hard at work at their first In-Service training of the year. 

Lifeguards must obtain  and maintain a professional certification in order to work.  Pictured are the Spartans reviewing and sharpening skills of CPR/AED and removing patrons from the water that may have suffered sudden illnesses or head-neck-spinal injuries. 

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Under the leadership of Lifeguard Instructor Andrew Krise, the team gets ready to provide coverage to a wide variety of shifts throughout the school year;  morning lap swim, PE classes, Boys and Girls Modified and Varsity practices, Invitationals, Championship meets, Family Swims, and special events.  They do this in addition to being strong students in the classroom, athletes, artists, musicians, performers, volunteers, and all-around great members of the community. 

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We are proud and appreciative of their service to the school and the community.