Athletic Placement Process
What is the process?
The Maine-Endwell Central School District is subject to the New York State Education Department’s Athletic Placement Process (previously known as the Selection Classification Process) for athletics. This program is intended only for the student who is truly at a level of physical and emotional maturity, comparable physical size, fitness, and sport skill that is commensurate with the level they wish to pursue.
The intent of the Athletic Placement Process (APP) is to provide students in grades 7 through 12 with a mechanism that allows them to participate safely at an appropriate level of competition based on readiness, rather than age and grade.
Students mature at different rates and there can be a tremendous range of developmental differences between students of the same age. This program is not used to fill positions on teams, provide additional experience, provide a place for junior high students when no modified program is offered, or reward a student. Instead, it is aimed at the few selected elite students who can benefit from such placement because of their level of readiness. Middle School students who participate on a high school team are not permitted to return to the modified level in that sport.
The Athletic Placement Process is coach driven. An athlete will only play up based on the coach's recommendation. Any player to be considered for JV or Varsity level must demonstrate mental, physical, and emotional maturity to play at the advance level.
If your child is recommended by his or her coach to "play up" at the JV or Varsity level, he or she must complete the following process:
First: The parent consent packet must be completed and returned to their Middle School PE Teacher.
Second: The School Medical Director needs to give permission and sign off on Pg. 3 of the APP packet. A tanner score needs to be recorded.
Third: A physical test is scheduled and administered. Please refer to the APP Physical Test document on this page for more information.
To read more about the Advanced Placement Process, please refer to the Complete Guide to APP document on this page.